Tuesday, April 14, 2015

National Library Worker's Day

National Library Worker's Day is Tuesday of National Library Week every year.

While the first thing most people associate with libraries is books, the second most common association is probably people - particularly those who serve at the  public reference or circulation desks. But I have a special place in my heart for those library workers who never sit at these desks but make the library function seamlessly.

This year I nominated one as a "stellar library worker" on the National Library Worker's Day website. Here's a snippet from my nomination of Joe:
He has rolled with myriad library changes with a positive attitude over the years – from our transition from a card catalog to an ILS and ten years later, to our current cloud system. Joe has been our one steady library technical assistant for fifteen years. He does it all. Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks? Read more...

Of course, Joe is not the only "star" among the Darling Library Staff. There are three full-time librarians, a library services manager, and another part-time technical assistant as well as eleven student library assistants at your service.

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