Monday, December 06, 2010

HIU WorldCat Local

Last week I wrote about how WorldCat can find the closest library with a book you want to borrow. But, what I failed to mention in last week's story about our online student who randomly found the book she needed in our library by using WorldCat was that she was not able to check the book out when she got here! What WorldCat didn't tell her (because she stopped one click too soon), was that our only copy of the book was in the Archives. (Don't worry. Read on. There is a happy ending.)

You might find a book in a nearby library but do not have borrowing privileges there. (Just because you happen to live close to USC doesn't mean you can borrow books from their library.)
But students, staff, faculty, and alumni of Hope International University have borrowing priviledges here at the Darling Library. Limit your search for books (and more) to our library with HIU WorldCat Local. Not only do you get a Google-like search box for finding Darling Library books, but you can find many online articles with one search! (Not all of our online articles are "findable" with this search box yet. But it's a good start.) And with HIU WorldCat Local, you can write Amazon-like reviews on books we have in our library and more! Try it out.
So, what about that happy ending? Our online student only needed the first couple of chapters of the book to read until her own copy would arrive in the mail. She made photocopies and was on her way. And, as a bonus, her story alerted us that we should have had a copy for circulation. We now have the 2nd ed. of Uncommon Leadership by Robert Kuest available for check out.

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