One of the interesting and thought-provoking messages I heard there was an address by Dr. Susan R. Garrett of Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary on "Biblical Studies and Real World Hermeneutics."
The main point of her message was that while students who study the Bible can understand it, they often do not have cultural context to interpret world events and to understand other views.
She talked about “real world” issues that cause divisions such as abortion, homosexuality, Sarah Palin, Harry Potter, and creationism. She advocated an approach to biblical hermeneutics in which "contextualization" gives at least enough validity to other viewpoints so as not to dismiss them as evil, stupid, or insane. Otherwise, there cannot be a starting point for meaningful dialog.
On the one hand, this resonated with me because librarians are taught to provide equal access to all sides of an issue. However, when it comes to biblical interpretation and making choices of eternal significance, as a Christian, how “open” should I be?
This course is a prerequisite to the capstone Professional Issues in Biblical Perspective course in which students do an exegetical study on a scripture passage apropos to their major and apply it to a critical issue in their career field. The exercise is meant to challenge students to develop a Christian world view -- a value system to enable them to think like a Christian in a “real world” context.
In broad terms, my Christian worldview informs how I practice being in the world but not of the world. But, specifically integrating faith and librarianship takes a lifetime of learning. There are passages about books and reading, but none about how to balance what it means to "keep oneself from being polluted by the world" (James 1:27) and not causing anyone to stumble (1 Corinthians 10:32) with the principles of providing open access and encouraging freedom of expression (ALA Library Bill of Rights).
Oh, I also enjoyed a Louisville Bats minor league baseball game and a visit to the famous Churchill Downs. Admit it. You wonder what that must have been like with a group of theological librarians.
Robin -- What a wonderful and thought-provoking message. I especially appreciate that it does take a lifetime of's learning along with you!
(and how fun to see the session on book buying in troubled economies :>).
Blessings to you,
I liked your article, Robin, and I appreciate the balance you talked about, and thought I'd share my ideas on the matter.
CS Lewis, in 'Mere Christianity' presents an interesting way of looking at the Trinity as a 'holy spirit'ual relationship between God and Jesus. I think we are to enjoy that same type of holy spiritual relationship with our neighbor, with all of humanity, regardless of their beliefs (did Jesus say love your neighbor only if your neighbor believes the same as you do?). All of nature is a dance, a circle of life, of each thing complimenting or >enmeshing< with another. Lives are intertwined. In this enmeshing/interacting ALL of our relationships are like a marriage, working together.
What we are not to be married to is worldly stuff- money, belongings, philosophies & favorite ideas of comfort or resentment, personal advancement or recognition, pleasure or power. All of this will be completely burned up, as if in an intense fire. None of this junk will survive.
The Bible does have cautionary statements like "Be in the world, but not of the world" and "Be wise as serpents, innocent as doves" but it also says "For God so loved the world" "...and love your neighbor as yourself."
God calls us to let our light shine, not pull back. God calls us to grace, an ever-expansive love of PEOPLE, but not of worldly acquisition.
That's just my own personal interpretation, of course! -GR
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