This semester, Liz Romero, in her second semester of the MLIS program, is working with us on a systems/archives project. Archives and systems have become intertwined over the years since digitization provides both preservation solutions for the library and greater access for patrons. Liz will be transfering old audiocassette recordings of chapel and convocation messages from analog to digital formats, adding pertenent metadata to enhance searching (and finding), and uploading the recordings to a digital collection management software (CONTENTdm) in the cloud.
She is starting with our oldest recordings first (from the mid-1970s) in hopes of rescuing the content before the inevitable disintegration of these magnetic tapes.
Check out the growing digital collection of chapel messages in our Digital Archives.
Liz gains experience and we gain capable assistance with the production of an important resource. Her developing understanding of the principles of information storage, preservation, access, and retrieval gives her a foundation for adding meaningful value to our collection. The result is a unique product accessible to the the university community, alumni, and the public.
Thank you, Liz!
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