Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Need research help?

It's that time of the semester when the library is full of students diligently studying and working on papers and other assignments. Not that this doesn't happen at other times of the semester. It just gets more serious about now.

Don't forget that librarians are available to help you with various aspects of your research. You can find the librarian on duty by looking for the Librarian is In sign ...

... or you can make an appointment to meet with a librarian. By making an appointment, you can be assured that the librarian you are to meet with will be at the library when you are!

Use our online form to make an appointment to Meet with a Librarian. Click the link or follow this pathway any time:

http://library.hiu.edu > Research Assistance > Meet with a Librarian


Terri Bogan is Reference & Instruction Librarian at Hope International University. She is passionate about helping students navigate the ever expanding world of information. She specializes in the area of information literacy and instructional design.

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