Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What are you reading, Robin Hartman?

The first time I asked Dr. Tamsen Murray "What are you reading?" for this blog post, she suspiciusly answered, "The Bible?" (Read, "Is that the right answer?") Then, last year, Coach Czech told us about how he was actually reading the Bible. I didn't think I would be doing something as "mundane" as this, but this is exactly what I have been reading since January 1st. It was not a new year's resolution but an invitation to join a family Bible study on Facebook that got me started. I just wanted to be supportive. We have two generations participating, and we are going through the entire Bible in a year. I would recommend it to anyone with the patience to do it, but especially to people who think they have probably already read all of scripture—just not in chronological order.

It's been fascinating plowing through the books from beginning to end so quickly! I am really seeing the big picture of how God works in some of the early books. Of course, I have enjoyed some parts more than others. It didn't take long for me to realize what gave Numbers its title, and having to read all of the details of each tribe's identical offerings twelve times with a summary at the end was not my favorite part of the study. Overall, however, what I'm taking away can be summed up in 2 Timothy 3:16: "All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness."

I will be pretty busy with this study for the remainder of the year... if I can keep up! I also have some professional reading that I have been meaning to get to when I figure out how to carve out the time. Generally, however, I read a lot of journals and magazines—Library profession, health, AARP, and the Hope Insider when it comes.

I don't read for "fun" as most people think of it. I enjoy books for spiritual inspiration (like Sacred Waiting by David Timms) as well as intellectual stimulation and professional development (like In Over Our Heads by Robert Kegan).

Robin Hartman is the Director of Library Services here at HIU's Darling Library, and she has served in this capacity for six years. Before accepting this position, she had worked for eleven years as the library's Systems and Technical Services Librarian.

The Bible
Author: Various
Publisher: Numerous
Date of Publication: Often

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