Monday, November 26, 2007

SCELC Board of Directors Meeting at Hope

The Darling Library hosted the most recent Statewide California Electronic Library Consortium (SCELC) Executive Committee and Board of Directors meetings on November 15th and 16th.

Hope International University has been a member of SCELC since 1998. As a member of SCELC, Hope has access to a variety of resource sharing opportunities with other private academic libraries (such as Interlibrary Loan agreements and Faculty Borrowing agreements) as well as consortial discounts to electronic databases. The annual SCELC Vendor Day gives member libraries an opportunity to meet with digital information resource vendors and to attend in-depth information sessions about current and new products. The annual SCELC Colloquium is a day of sessions on current topics such as federated searching and social networking.

According to the SCELC website:
The Statewide California Electronic Library Consortium (SCELC) was established in 1986 to develop resource-sharing relationships among the libraries of private academic institutions in California.

The consortium seeks to explore issues related to electronic and digital information and to promote the creation, access, use, management and maintenance of this information for the benefit of faculty and students in the member institutions. It further seeks to improve related library staff skills through development and training activities. While regional in its membership focus, SCELC is committed to cooperative relationships with other library consortia and professional organizations and welcomes opportunities for joint projects and programs that contribute to enhancement of information resources in the region.

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