Friday, March 08, 2013

ProQuest Downtime on Saturday, 3/9.

This Saturday (March 9th) ProQuest will be performing maintenance on their server. Because of this, a six (6) hour downtime will take place from Saturday, March 9, 2012, at 7:00pm PT to Sunday, March 10, 2013 at 1:00am PT.

During this time all databases on the ProQuest platform will be unavailable. If you are looking to use a general/multidisciplinary database in lieu of ProQuest, try using the EBSCOHost database. You can find this database under the Broad Topics/General Database option in the Subject Area/Category drop-down box.  If you are doing subject specific research, select your area from that list and chose an alternative database.

As always, you can get to our databases by going to > Search Tools > Research Databases.

Feel free to contact us at if you have any questions!

Lindsey Sinnott is the Systems & Technical Services Librarian at Hope International University.  Her goal is to discover new ways of utilizing technology to support the information and research needs of students and faculty at HIU and to ensure that our current technology works seamlessly in this task.

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